Data visualization analysis, Now, don't code, just type what you want.
GPT X is XMORSE's GPT Agent that supports complex data analysis and automated data visualization.
Programing Process
GPT X Manual
User Manual Guide
Automate data analysis
Chart analysis 1
Chart analysis 2
Chart control
Scatter Analytics user manual database creation
Subdivide the categories of the manual into as many items as possible
Each category is stored in the database in the form of key/value
Create QA learning data
Answer to the question - created with the key value included in the category1) Induce prompt and accurate answers as much as possible 2) Minimize token values for answers
GPT Fine Tuning (learning) based on training data
Ask GPT the contents of user queries through prompts
Answer display in GPT
Answer: Generate an answer based on the learned key value
Query execution and display based on the key
Data registration and data information input
Input data information: data domain, description of the nature of the data, etc.
user query
Requesting information that can be analyzed with current data
Outputting a list of information that can be analyzed as registration data
Submit your query to GPT
Listing based on GPT's answer Selector -> Single ListBox
Select the user's desired conditions
Select the desired condition from the output list
Query visualization information to analyze user requirements
isualization information GPT needs for analysis based on user selection ex: Chart type, legend column, X-axis/Y-axis column, statistical information, etc.
Define the layout of the charts obtained by GPT answers according to the number and order of charts
Create a chart reflecting the layout defined based on the GPT answer
Statistical information GPT transmission of each parameterized
Request for analysis results based on selected analysis items, statistical information of each chart, and statistical information
Analysis result display
analysis definition
Define the assay and the data required for the assay
Define statistical information to process data for analysis Statistical information to pre-calculate necessary statistical information and score information
Defining visualizations based on data
Define the features required for report searchPredefine the features required to increase search accuracy by narrowing the query spectrum
Regular collection of defined data and data processing
Data processing based on defined statistical information
Creating a batch report for each type of defined chart
Queries for required information (in the form of prompts)
Query form conversion of query content
Conversion into key/value form of prompt query feature
Generate key/value queries
Executing the query and extracting the corresponding chart
Chart analysis result display
Define the information needed for analysis
Data basic information (if any)
Basic information required when creating a chart
Statistical information about charts
All chart information XMORSE generates : write to image metafile
Select a chart drawn in XMORSE through the search bar
In the case of other charts or data that cannot be analyzed, a message that the image cannot be analyzed is displayed.
Request analysis from GPT based on the data recorded in the chart image's metafile
Display analysis results with charts
Define the information needed for analysis
Data basic information (if any)
Basic information required when creating a chart
Chart Drawing via Natural Language Commands
Users can request creation of desired types of charts such as scatter, pie, and histogram
Control options for each feature of the chart
Legend color, sort order by legend, specific points, etc. Create a type of chart that meets user requirements
Chart display that reflects your request
GPT X is a combination of advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning. XMORSE's GPT Agent.
Users can easily and conveniently create high-quality visualization charts by explaining desired data in natural language.